Player Particles
- Customize player particles for drag, land etc
Add a ui and use saved data system to make able u create own particles for basic player effects.
- Particle variables forcing
In settings you can enable forcing intital gravity/colors/position that getting changed by game while you playing level.
- .txt file "particle from string" loader
You can create EFFECT_NAME.
instead of EFFECT_NAME.plist
to use string system instead xml dict. and also u can edit any other effect by that way.
Put txt file to any search paths.
- Custom texture for particles
to any search paths.
EFFECT_NAME is an original name of effect like dragEffect, shipDragEffect, landEffect, dashEffect...
Search Paths?
The folders where game search for resources:
- [your texture pack]
- ./
- ./Resources
- ./geode/resources
and any other paths ever added at runtime.