Hide UI
This mod hides most UI elements from the screen using a keybind. If there is one that is not hidden, download https://geode-sdk.org/mods/geode.devtools, then press F11 while in a level (it also works while paused), and find where the UI element is. It will likely be somewhere under PlayLayer. Once you think you found it, click on attributes, check the visible checkbox, and see if it disappears. If it does, then share the node id on the github for this mod.
If you are making a mod that modifies the UI, and you want it to automatically be hidden when this mod is activated without me needing to update it, place your new UI elements in the UILayer.
This mod is known not to work with: the players in Globed, the ghosts in Platformer Ghosts, and Prism Menu's UI elements.
Some mods that this mod is guarenteed to work with: Megahack, Stat Display, the progress bar and ping labels of Globed, the best time display and offscreen players of PlatformerGhosts, channelViewer, QOLMod, RunInfo, Eclipse, and GDH.