Art importer


How to use:

There is a button in the edit menu, click that and then you will be instructed to search for a image to import. I recommend creating your pixel art on a site like Piskel and then exporting it as a png. I do not recommend importing large images on low end devices as the game might lag/crash. There is a limited size currently a 200 x 200 pixel limit which can be increased in the settings. There are also settings to optimise the art as well use the old 2.1 objects.

Find any bugs:

Report bugs to me on discord in my Discord server or message me Geck_. I am new to Geometry Dash modding so thats why it may have bugs. My GD ign is Grian so you can message me there too.


Makes use of a single file image libaray for reading the images stb_image. Also want to give credit to GD cologne for the idea as he made a similar mod years ago. Logo created me and RueOfficial.


  • Ported to 2.2074
  • Now available on Mac and IOS


  • Ported to 2.206.
  • Other small fixes.


  • Fixed issue with colours being incorrect.
  • Added setting that allow the player to remove the size limit.
  • Added setting that allows the player to use the 2.1 pixel objects.
  • Added setting that optimises the art using different sized pixel objects.
  • Added setting for the experimental scale optimisation.
  • Fixed a few crashes related to importing the art.


  • Available on android


  • Adds a button in the edit section for importing the art
  • Imports pixel art into the game
The recommended way to install mods is through the in-game mod loader . You will have to manually install the .geode files you get from this page.

Some mods also require other mods as dependencies ; you will need to find and install them yourself.

Site made by HJfod . Thank you to Nekit for the domain!

Geode Team 2025