Creation Rotation
Inspired by Wulzy's Level Swap series, this mod allows you to play Level Swap with as many people as you want!
Please report bugs to the Discord Server or the GitHub issues page. This mod is still in beta and needs a lot more work until stable.
How to Use
Navigate to your saved levels folder and click on the Creation Rotation button in the bottom-left hand corner
If you're hosting:
- Click on the Create Lobby button
- You can input a name, amount of turns, time per turn, and if you want the lobby to be public. If marked as public, your swap will show up in the public lobby selector
If you're joining, you can join any of the public lobbies shown when clicking the button. If you have a code, click the Join Lobby button and enter the code.
If you are the host of the lobby, click on the name of the lobby to copy the code to your clipboard. You can then send this code to whoever you please. To start the swap, click the Swap button on the bottom.
Once the swap starts, after the amount of time inputted has passed, your level will automatically save and be sent to the server for swapping. Once all levels are received by the server, you will receive a new level. This goes until the swap ends, where you will have your original level back.
- Jay/Dasshu for their amazing work creating the logo and all assets for this mod. Wouldn't have been possible without you
- Prevter for originally hosting the main server instance for Creation Rotation. Again, I'm not sure if I would've been able to release this without your help
- cdc
- Erymanthus
- Hiimjustin000
- Dasshu
- ninXout
- km7dev
- Swishbue
- dankmeme01
- Prevter
- nnexterr
- LimeGradient
- Terma