


A Geometry Dash Level Roulette.


  • Normal List (regular levels ranging from Easy to Extreme Demon)
  • Demon List
  • Challenge List
  • GD List
  • Skip levels you can't beat
  • Auto pause after reaching the goal percentage (can be disabled)
  • Resume playing after leaving the game

How To Play

Simply choose the list you want to play levels from (the default is normal list), select a difficulty, and press Start! A random level of the chosen difficulty will be given to you and you will need to achieve a certain percentage in said level (starts from 1%, and increments by 1 after each level beaten). Normally, you're supposed to get to get the goal percentage, and not higher. Unfortunately, some levels don't have a way to die at said percentage, so the goal will automatically be your death percentage + 1.

After reaching/surpassing the goal percentage in a round of roulette, the game will automatically pause after you die. This can be disabled in the mod's Geode settings.

If a level is too hard, you can click on the Skip button, which will subtract 1 skip from your skips. You can set the number of skips you are allowed to use during a round of roulette in the roulette's settings (accessible from the info icon in the roulette while not playing it, or from the Geode mod settings).

You can select which list you would like to play levels from by clicking the info icon in the roulette while not playing it. You can currently select 1 of 4 options: Normal List, Demon List, Challenge List, GD List. Info about these lists can be found by clicking the corresponding info icon next to the list's button.

And that's pretty much it! Have fun rouletting!


You can contact me through my personal Discord server.

GD-Roulette Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[3.1.0] - 2024-12-07


  • Ability to play any demon difficulty
  • Ability to refresh if an error occurs


  • Save data bug

[3.0.2] - 2024-12-05


  • Incompatibility with Ninxout's Overcharged Menu

[3.0.1] - 2024-11-28


  • Fixed Android crashing

[3.0.0-beta.1] - 2024-11-28


  • Target Windows and Mac only, until I find a fix for Android later
  • Renamed GD List ID key to "gd-list-id"


  • Integer input layer crash on android

[3.0.0] - 2024-11-24


  • Resuming round of roulette after game shutdown
  • Exclamation Mark when a round of roulette is paused


  • Target Geode v4.0.1
  • How target percentage is displayed: it is now always the current goal, not the current percentage + 1

[2.1.0] - 2024-06-15


  • Target Geode v3.0.0-beta.1
  • Use new Geode Web API

[2.0.6] - 2024-04-26


  • Potential MacOS bug

[2.0.5] - 2024-04-19


  • Alphalaneous github page to their new profile


  • RLDifficultyNode wrong position when playing roulette
  • RLLoadingCircle wrong position for a split second when offline
  • Some miscellaneous bugs (#21)

[2.0.4] - 2024-03-13


  • RLLoadingCircle, a better LoadingCircle lol


  • Cleaned up #includes in header files


  • 5 Character limit in RLIntegerInputLayer
  • LoadingCircle in wrong position on Android

[2.0.3] - 2024-03-09


  • No longer use geode::Notification, now use rl::utils::createNotificationToast
  • How levelIDs are stored when in LevelInfoLayer (they no longer are)


  • Weird 5th arg in TextAlertPopup::create

[2.0.2] - 2024-03-06


  • #include directives to the /custom_layers
  • Platform name to RLRouletteInfoLayer
  • RLDifficultyNode supports epic, legendary and mythic now
  • rl::utils::getFeatureStateFromResponse


  • Renamed RLDemonSelectLayer to RLDifficultySelectLayer
  • Made RLDifficultySelectLayer dynamically made (RLDifficultySelectInfo)
  • How touch prio is handled in RLRouletteLayer
  • Made the difficulty buttons in RLDifficultySelectLayer in another menu
  • Refactored RLDifficultySelectLayer.cpp
  • Use structured bindings (i forgor they existed)
  • RLDifficultyNode now inherits from CCNodeRGBA (rookie mistake)


  • Empty list id crash on Android (probably)
  • Show options sprite being set even if the info icon was never clicked
  • RLDifficultyNode::setColor being weird
  • Difficulty not being highlighted when changing the list multiple times

[2.0.1] - 2024-03-03


  • RouletteManager not getting new keys because it just assumed they existed prior

[2.0.0] - 2024-03-01

GD-Roulette commit everything at once challenge (mildly possible)

Notable changes:

  • MacOS support
  • GD Lists option
  • Ability to pause when in a round of roulette
  • Bugs & crashes


  • rtrp library, that parses Geometry Dash's server responses, made by yours truly
  • MacOS support
  • RLDemonSelectLayer, a layer that lets you select a demon difficulty (appears when clicking the demon plus button)
  • IntegerInputInfo::show_arrows bool
  • RLDifficultyNode, a custom node that's basically GJDifficultySprite but better IMO
  • ListFetcher::level_pair_t, an std::pair of a LevelObject and a CreatorObject
  • ListFetcher::getRandomGDListLevel
  • ListFetcher::GJ_SECRET, ListFetcher::GJ_LEVELS_URL, ListFetcher::GJ_LISTS_URL, ListFetcher::GJ_LEN_QUERY, ListFetcher::DEMONLIST_URL, ListFetcher::CHALLENGELIST_URL, ListFetcher::m_cDemonDiffToFilter, ListFetcher::m_cachedGDListID, ListFetcher::m_cachedGDListLevelIDs, ListFetcher::getDifficultyQuery(GJDifficulty)
  • RWDI_MODE macro when compiling in RelWithDebInfo
  • GD Lists as a list option
  • Info icons to list checkboxes in RLRouletteInfoLayer
  • Visual indicator of selected list (except GD List)
  • Node IDs to RLRouletteInfoLayer
  • Node IDs to RLRouletteLayer
  • Ability to Pause or Quit when closing RLRouletteLayer
  • RLRouletteLayer::getDifficultyButton, RLRouletteLayer::setDifficultyButtonColor
  • JSON arrays are checked on launch in RouletteManager's ctor
  • RouletteManager::isPaused, RouletteManager::gdListID, RouletteManager::previousDifficulty, RouletteManager::previousDemonDifficulty, RouletteManager::getDifficultyFromSaveContainer()
  • rl::constants namespace
  • rl::utils::createLevelFromResponse(), rl::utils::getCreatorFromLevelResponse(), rl::utils::getDifficultyFromResponse()
  • Geode 2.0.0-beta.21 support
  • Some missing node IDs to RLRouletteLayer
  • Some colors to some layers


  • Rely on Geometry Dash's servers instead of GDBrowser's API (this was long overdue)
  • Renamed BaseCustomLayer to BaseCustomAlertLayer
  • Prefixed all custom layers/nodes with RL
  • Renamed ConfirmationAlertInfo::onYes to RLConfirmationAlertInfo::onBtn1
  • Renamed ConfirmationAlertInfo::onNo to RLConfirmationAlertInfo::onBtn2
  • Renamed RLRouletteLayer::onDifficultyChosen to RLRouletteLayer::onDifficultyButton
  • Renamed roulette namespace to rl
  • Pass ConfirmationAlertInfo into the create method instead of setup
  • IntegerInputInfo::starting_value is now an std::optional<int>
  • rouletteButton CreatorLayer's CCMenu is now positioned based on the window's size
  • All as back to static_casts because yes
  • Renamed ListFetcher::normalListMaxPage to ListFetcher::m_cNormalListMaxPage
  • Updated ListFetcher::m_cNormalListMaxPage
  • All ListFetcher's methods take a ListFetcher::level_pair_t instead of a matjson::Value
  • ListFetcher::getRandomNormalListLevel is passed a GJDifficulty instead of an int
  • How RLRouletteLayer::onDifficultyButton handles stuff
  • RLRouletteLayer::getRandomListLevel is passed a GJDifficulty instead of an int
  • How coins are positioned in RLRouletteLayer (they're now based on the difficulty node's position)
  • Some info about the info icons in
  • How touch priority is handled in BaseCustomAlertLayer
  • No longer use geode::cocos::handleTouchPriority


  • Made the rouletteButton a bit better code-wise (still sucks)
  • Potential crash when modifying LevelInfoLayer of a platformer level
  • Potential crash when modifying PauseLayer of a platformer level
  • Invalid page when searching for a level in ListFetcher::getRandomNormalListLevel
  • Dev macro (RWDI_MODE)
  • Demon plus button visible in Demon List and Challenge List modes
  • Weird static variable swap stuff in RLConfirmationAlertLayer and RLIntegerInputLayer
  • Odd way of resetting all CCMenuItemTogglers after being toggled
  • Clicking the level's name/creator/id not copying it to the clipboard
  • Potential crash if RLRouletteLayer::m_level is empty (highly situational)
  • Geode invalid tags
  • Touch Prio on android :heart:

[1.6.2] - 2024-02-09


  • Crash when leaving LevelInfoLayer

[1.6.1-beta.3] - 2024-02-07


  • No longer target any Node-IDs version because that's broken. Instead, target v1.3.0

[1.6.1-beta.2] - 2024-02-07


  • Actually target any Node-IDs version that matches or is greater than 1.3.0, previous version targeted v1.1.4

[1.6.1-beta.1] - 2024-02-07


  • Auto pause option
  • Some IDs to layers that are modified


  • Target Geode 2.0.0-beta.16
  • Some static_casts to as
  • layout to "Added", "Changed" then "Fixed"
  • Target any Node-IDs version that matches or is greater than 1.3.0
  • Changed some for loops to getChildByID
  • Renamed RouletteManager::lastLevelID to currentLevelID
  • Renamed RouletteManager::lastLevelPercentage to currentLevelPercentage
  • Removed Node-IDs dependency in CMakeLists.txt
  • Removed RouletteManager::levelCreatorName
  • Renamed to


  • Goal percentage appearing in a level that isn't the current roulette level

[1.6.0-beta.4] - 2024-02-06


  • Platformer levels appearing in the roulette

[1.6.0-beta.3] - 2024-02-04


  • Geode 2.0.0-beta.15 support

[1.6.0-beta.2] - 2024-02-04


  • assets/GD-Roulette.png
  • Removed 1 unnecessary objectAtIndex


  • Crash when on a fresh install of GD-Roulette

[1.6.0-beta.1] - 2024-02-04


  • Android support (?)
  • Error text when ListFetcher fails to fetch a link
  • RouletteLayer pointer member to RouletteManager
  • Array verifier to assure selected difficulty/list is correct (cant select multiple at once, maybe for a future update?)
  • Choosing a list highlights a difficulty that matches said list


  • Logo
  • RouletteManager to be an inline global variable instead of that broken define system
  • Removed CustomDirector
  • Made selecting a list change the selected difficulty (only visual)
  • Renamed RouletteManagerStruct to RouletteManager
  • Renamed RouletteManager's variable name to g_rouletteManager
  • Cleaned up include directives


  • Crash when clicking Reset after ListFetcher fails
  • Bugs

[1.5.0-beta] - 2024-02-03


  • CURL for Geode's web::AsyncWebRequest
  • nlohmann::json for matjson
  • Move from CCString::createWithFormat to fmt::format
  • Move from JsonManager to Geode settings/save data


  • Crashes

[1.4.0-alpha] - 2024-01-31

This release is very unstable and doesn't get past the "Start" button.


  • 2.2 support
  • Geode support

[1.3.0] - 2023-12-17

Last update before 2.2. I might update this to 2.2 if I have enough free time.


  • Added a confirmation dialogue layer that is used when closing the RouletteLayer while playing
  • Added a reset method to the RouletteManager struct
  • Added an OK button to the IntegerInputLayer


  • Moved CustomLayer and its inheriting classes to /src/custom_layers
  • Separated each bunch of nodes to unique CCMenus
  • Changed RouletteInfoLayer's text nodes from CCLabelBMFont to TextArea
  • Repositioned the RouletteInfoLayer's toggles
  • Renamed RouletteInfoLayer::onSkipsButton to onNumSkipsButton
  • Renamed RouletteManager::skipsCount to skipsUsed
  • RouletteLayer.difficultyToTag is now const
  • Phased out use of std::to_string in favor of CCString::createWithFormat (with the exception of ListFetcher)
  • Removed unused parameters' names in onXButton functions
  • IntegerInputLayer's information is dynamic instead of hard coded
  • Renamed CreatorLayer's ButtonsClass to RouletteButton
  • Refactored CreatorLayer.cpp


  • Fixed ConfirmationAlertLayer result getting ignored
  • Fixed touch events not getting dispatched from the nested RouletteLayer CCMenus
  • Fixed RouletteButton's CCSprite being too big on resolutions other than High
  • Fixed the roulette level's author name being removed

[1.2.1] - 2023-12-10


  • Added a 1s pause after player death while playing a level


  • RouletteInfoLayer::createToggler's definition from RouletteLayer.cpp to RouletteInfoLayer.cpp
  • Removed duplicate code ln. 402-403 -- ln. 409-410 in RouletteLayer.cpp
  • Removed duplicate code ln. 436-437 -- ln. 447-448 in RouletteLayer.cpp


  • Fixed JsonManager overriding saved values

[1.2.0] - 2023-12-06


  • Added a json manager (to save options)
  • Added a percentage goal besides the LevelInfoLayer percentage text
  • Added a percentage goal in the PauseLayer


  • Separated the layers contained in the RouletteLayer.cpp file into sub-files


  • Fixed RouletteManager not managing data correctly after JSON saving was added
  • Fixed demonDiffArr resetting everything to false when RouletteLayer::onClose is called

[1.1.7] - 2023-10-29


  • Added a DEV_CONSOLE macro enabled only when compiling RelWithDebInfo
  • Added a check for MegaHack v7 to change the roulette button's position
The recommended way to install mods is through the in-game mod loader. You will have to manually install the .geode files you get from this page.

Some mods also require other mods as dependencies; you will need to find and install them yourself.

Site made by HJfod . Thank you to Nekit for the domain!

Geode Team 2024