Geometry Dash


Geometry Dash


The Geometry Dash Mod turns the game title into a clickable button. When clicked, it plays the distinctive MDK Geometry Dash sound effect.

Have feedback or encountered a bug? Report it here.

Latest Changes

  • Fixed removal of the main-title Node ID.


Mod Icon: RueOfficial
Mod Testing: RayDeeUx
Sound Effect: MDK

Shameless Promotion

Discord: sofabeddd
Geometry Dash: sofabeddd
GitHub: sofabeddd
YouTube: sofabeddd


  • Fixed removal of the main-title Node ID.


  • Added Mac support.
  • Rebuilt for Geode v3.0.0


  • Changed the mod icon to match others on the index.


  • Removed hard-coded values to make the mod work on all resolutions.



  • Made the title in the main menu play the MDK Geometry Dash sound effect when clicked.
The recommended way to install mods is through the in-game mod loader . You will have to manually install the .geode files you get from this page.

Some mods also require other mods as dependencies ; you will need to find and install them yourself.

Site made by HJfod . Thank you to Nekit for the domain!

Geode Team 2025