placeholder logo for Custom Gamemode Colors

Custom Gamemode Colors


Custom Gamemode Colors

Change colors of your player based on your current gamemode!

Use the 2nd color menu in the icon kit to set overrides. Overrides have to be manually enabled for each gamemode through the 7 buttons at the top. To override the colors of a specific gamemode, click its icon and then the colors you want to set as you would normally do.

Happy (colorful) dashing! :3


  • bumped geode to 3.0.0-beta.4
  • macos support is back


  • initial update to 2.206
  • removed some performance improvements stuff due to aggressive compiler inlining (will be back)
  • temporarily removed macos support (will be back)


  • also show custom colors in the editor
  • seeecret :3


  • MacOS support! huge thanks to dankmeme for telling me what functions have inlined flashPlayer <3
  • the overrides for the small cube inside of the ship/ufo are now toggleable!


  • More descriptive messages to avoid confusion with the UI
  • new internal data structure to declutter code a tiny bit (migrates automatically)
  • remove a lot of not needed hooks (may improve performance very slightly)


  • NodeIDs update! requires Node IDs 1.8.0, removes smelly bad code
  • new logo!
  • fix a crash with Weebify's Separate Dual Icons mod (they're still not fully compatible)


  • Globed support! (fixes players having your colors)
  • fixed default colors resetting after changing them
  • fixed the small cube in ship & ufo having the wrong color


  • fixed spider resetting colors
  • fixed an incompatibility with capeling's icon randomizer


  • Initial release.
The recommended way to install mods is through the in-game mod loader. You will have to manually install the .geode files you get from this page.

Some mods also require other mods as dependencies; you will need to find and install them yourself.

Site made by HJfod . Thank you to Nekit for the domain!

Geode Team 2024