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Adds even more tags next to the level author's name in a level's info layer to symbolize a level's traits.

Disclaimer: Due to various technical limitations, not all levels will receive this treatment. Users will also benefit from exiting and re-entering the level info layer to correctly re-position the level tags.

Tags and their meanings:

  • Ship icon
    | Level uses legacy upside down ship physics
  • Robot icon
    | Level uses legacy robot jump pad physics
  • Flip icon
    | Level starts with gravity flipped
  • Height icon
    | Level disables dynamic level height
  • Rotate trigger icon
    | Level disables multi rotation
  • Swing icon
    | Level disables 2.2's physics changes
  • Scale trigger icon
    | Level disables the negative scale fix
  • Cube icon
    | Level uses 2P mode

This Geode mod is a (consenting) continuation of TheSillyDoggo's "More Level Tags" mod, and is licensed under the LGPLv2 license. To report bugs or get help with using my mods, press the Discord button in the lower left corner.

EvenMoreLevelTags Changelog


  • Changed function hooks to minimize crashes.
  • Port to 2.206. Big thanks to CatXus, Aktimoose, ninXout, and hiimjustin000 for helping out with testing!
  • Added softtoggle.
  • By default, tags will not show up when viewing levels published under the RobsVault account due to technical constraints. (This was not the case in earlier versions of this mod.)
  • Added macOS support, which may be unstable. In case this mod consistently crashes on macOS, support for it will be dropped in future updates (hence the softtoggle).

v1.3.1 (Note: was never published)

  • Fix a few visual bugs and other things that weren't caught the first time around.


  • Bring back Android support.
  • Refactor everything to avoid spawning phantom PlayLayers, and instead reading the level's decompressed string.
  • Rebrand mod display name.
  • Change mod ID, so that Globed's incompatibility list stays the same.
  • Bump minimum Geode version and Geode Node ID requirements.
  • Added more level tags (check the for more info).
  • License everything under the LGPLv2 license.


  • Attempt to fix crashes from refreshing a level.


  • Attempt to fix an unspecified crash.


  • Fixed the invisible cursor glitch.


  • Drop Android support due to crashes.


  • Initial release.
The recommended way to install mods is through the in-game mod loader. You will have to manually install the .geode files you get from this page.

Some mods also require other mods as dependencies; you will need to find and install them yourself.

Site made by HJfod . Thank you to Nekit for the domain!

Geode Team 2024