placeholder logo for Level Info Colors

Level Info Colors


Level Info Colors

A mod that allows you to customize the background color of the level info page.


  • A button in the level info page that allows you to change the background color, which can also be changed through the settings menu
  • A custom color for normal levels, daily levels, weekly demons, and gauntlet levels



Color Popup

Level Info Colors Changelog

v1.0.1 (2024-06-28)

  • Added tags to the mod

v1.0.0 (2024-06-28)

  • Initial release
The recommended way to install mods is through the in-game mod loader. You will have to manually install the .geode files you get from this page.

Some mods also require other mods as dependencies; you will need to find and install them yourself.

Site made by HJfod . Thank you to Nekit for the domain!

Geode Team 2024