- Fix a bug with sprite frames not being able to be set
- Fix some load delay
NOTICE! Modifying nodes by ID will soon be depreciated. Once the next GD update comes out, I will be removing that feature in favor of modiifying nodes by their class name. This is the name BEFORE the one in quotes in DevTools. For example ui/cvolton.betterinfo$ExtendedLevelInfo.json
will become ui/ExtendedLevelInfo.json
and anything in the nodes folder will no longer work and should be placed in the UI folder.
- Fixed crash when pressing space on main menu for mac
- Fix a memory leak when setting a font file on a CCLabelBMFont
- Remove batch node hack :P
- Fix a crash with labels
- Revamp Texture Loader pack nodes
- Add Friend Requests cells to the default cell color modifications
- Use geode::Popup for alerts
- General code cleanup
- Conditionals (If statements) (See Wiki)
- Root node shortcut (See Wiki)
- More variables (See Wiki)
- Updated Rift
- Implement a fix for another mod's mistake :P
- Fix a very teeny bug that may break MenuLayer changes
- Added "after-transition" object for layers in a scene, allowing for you to only make changes after the transition finishes (see wiki for more details)
- Fixed cache failing to be reset, resulting in missing textures when a pack is unapplied
- Cleanup filesystem code
- Fix a crash when there is an invalid path (hopefully)
- Fix an issue with CCSpriteWithHue
- Actually fix loading individual sprites from init
- Fix loading individual sprites from init
- Fix some layouting issues
- Fix duplicated node modifications for certain layers
- Fix individual sprites not working if only some qualities are present
- Fix applied packs not updating (uses a new Texture Loader API, make sure Texture Loader is up to date if you experience this issue!)
- Fix crash on non-windows
- Change individual sprite changing logic
- Support for retexturing individual sprites outside of spritesheets (see wiki for more details)
- Support for disabling batch nodes (for UI purposes, in levels they will not be disabled)
- list-cell-selected added to hardcoded color modifications for leaderboards
- Changed hook prio logic
- Mac support for everything
- Zipped packs should work properly now
- Fixed issues with file listener
- Fixed issues with path separators
- Allow inputting hex colors
- Fix sprite frame texture rotate bug
- Fix an issue where onCreator and onGarage wouldn't work
- Fix a crash that can occur when pressing space on the main menu
- Fix a crash that can occur with invalid parents
- Added new scroll-to-top attribute for ScrollLayers
- Added new lock-attributes attribute to reset attributes every frame
- Fix an issue with MenuLayer::onPlay callbacks not working because apparently it is a meanie head and wanted to be rude :(
- Add the ability to run certain button callbacks anywhere
- Fix a freeze that could happen on launch if GD was on a separate drive
- Fix node modifications not properly reloading on pack change
- Getting a node by type now allows for any class to be passed in
- Node Specific Changes Updates:
- Now any node type can be modified
- Node type modification code simplified (better performance)
- Node type modification json are loaded on launch (lag fix)
- See wiki on new Node type information
- Random Sprites
- Pack makers can now assign a sprite to be randomized
- See wiki for more information
- Fix changing button sprites not having proper content sizes
- Fix sounds not playing
- Allow stacking multiple events on a button instead of only 1
- General performance improvements
- Fix a crash with cursed FLAlertLayers
- Bug fix for variables not working in popups created by HT Packs
- Add extensive label variables with RIFT
- Add color changing for music library cells
- Code cleanup